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Ginger & Garlic Paste


15 Minutes


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20 Serving


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Ginger & Garlic paste made well in advance, to aid with the ease of cooking when it is time to actually cook the curry. Simply!


  • Step 1 - Prepare Ingredients

  • Step 2 - Blend Ingredients

  • Step 3 - Store ready for use


1. Peel the ginger with a teaspoon (trust me it’s safe, quick and easy more     over less waste) and slice it roughly. 

2. Peel the garlic (there are various methods to do

    follow the most convenient for you) and crush it 

3. Add crushed garlic and sliced ginger, salt and whiz in

    to a paste for about 30 seconds, check for the texture add water if     necessary. (do not over blend it you don’t not want it be like smoothie)

4. Remove from the blender and keep in an airtight glass jar in the fridge.

(shelf life room temprature 7 days, fridge- 30 days, frozen in ice cube tray 6 months)


200g Garlic 

150g Ginger

100 ml Water (if needed)

1 tbsp Salt 

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